
TGIF (WARNING: Another Cuss Word In Quote of the Day)

Hey guys! It was such a short week for me, I only had 3 days of school because I was off Monday & Tuesday. Don't ask me why, because quite frankly, I have no idea! So sorry I couldn't make this post until now, I was feeling sick when I got home from school so I took about a 2 hour nap to see if it helped. It helped I think and I tried getting on the computer once I woke up, but it made me feel sick again so I got off and just watched TV with my mom. I'm pretty sure that everything's fine now though. Although I had made plans to go to my high school's football game today with a friend but I had to cancel it because of me feeling ill. But there's always next time, right? So I guess there's nothing else for me to say here... and by the way, I just felt like kind of updating my life with you guys, I know I usually don't do that but I think I will from now on, at least whenever I have some big news or just something I want to share. Okay, now here's what you've all been waiting for, I think, the quotes!!!

Quote of the Day:

"Stand still and the bee won't sting you!" "Fuck that, I'm 

Guess The Movie Quote!

"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends."

Sooo I hope you guys enjoyed reading this! Please comment below guessing what movie that quote is from up above! And I updated the poll, so make sure to check that out and vote also! Thanks everyone!

P.S. One of my friends is going out with this guy that basically made my friend his LIFE and it seems like he's kinda obsessed with her now. She told me that she wants to break up with him but she says that if she does, he'll just start crying and she won't wanna get on Facebook anymore because he'll be able to chat her on there. So she hasn't broken up with him YET even though she wants to. Anybody good with those type of situations? If so, leave any advice you have for her in the comments below also! It'd be much appreciated!



DorkyIsMyMiddleName19 said...

The movie quote is from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone baby! its from the part where Dumbledore is awarding Neville points for Gryffindor :) woww im a nerd...
and u had monday off cuz of labor day and tuesday cuz it was some teacher thing (ik cuz of miranda shes my friend at granger)

Hannah said...

@DorkyIsMyMiddleName: Haha yup you guessed right! I was chatting C last night and she guessed it too, she just wasn't on her other email to comment so yeah lol. You both guessed it so I'll give you guys both a shout out in my next post. And ohhh lol thanks for telling me! xD