
I Apologize...

So as you guys most likely know from the title, I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a LONG amount of time. I have the same reasons as I did in my last post, busy with school & not as motivated to do this anymore... I guess it's more fun in the summer. At least for me it is... Anyway, yesterday I had 3 tests & today I had 2. Yesterdays was Spanish, Algebra, and one of my other subjects lol I just forgot which one it was xD and today I had to do a re-take for my Geography test because I got a D+ the first time I took it lol. But thankfully, I wasn't the only one who re-took it... About maybe like 10-15 other people had to re-take it too. For those of you who don't really know me that well, I'll let you know right now that I absolutely SUCK at Science & History/Geography. Like really I don't even get the point of history and science, well I just don't get it & it's boring to me lol. Most of my friends love science but me, I'm just not that type of person lol. English and sometimes math are my best subjects :P

Kay, well I guess I've rambled on enough for one post... BUT WAIT, there's one more thing! I've just decided that in every post I will probably post a music/lyric video to either a song that's recently come out or just one of my favorite songs at the time. If you don't like that idea, let me know in the comments because I really like to get your guys' feed back so I know what & what not to put in my posts... And for the movie quote, from now on if you know what movie it's from, you ALSO have to say which character said it too, just to make it a little more challenging. So on to the main topics!

Quote of the Day:
I would rather look back at my life and say "I can't believe I did that!" than "I wish I would have."

Guess the Movie Quote!

"You can't live your life for other people. You've got to do what's right for you, even if it hurts some people you love."

Music Video:


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