
I'm Running Out of Title Names! Any Ideas?

Quote of the Day:

Instead of thinking about what you're missing, try thinking about what you have that everyone else is missing.

Don't forget to comment & vote on the new poll please! 

Quick Thanks: Hey guys, I think I know who's reading this, so I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for commenting, voting, and reading my posts everyday. I really appreciate it. I honestly don't think I could thank you enough. And to SS & C, I know I nag you guys whenever you're on to come on my blog, so that must get annoying. And I'm sorry, like I've said before, I just really like getting your guys' feedback on what you think and all. So again, thanks everyone! 



Anonymous said...

Why don't you do a "guess the quote!" thing using quotes from famous movies.
You post a few quotes from movies, and people have to guess what movie each quote is from, and what character said it.
The winners can be posted on your next post.

Hannah said...

Ch@meleon:That's a good idea! But then should I just put a "guess the quote" thing in my post instead of the quote of the day? Or should I do both?? Thanks for the great suggestion! :)

Anonymous said...

you either could do two posts in one day, or both

Hannah said...

Hmm.. okay, thanks!