
It's... Friday, Friday, Gotta get down on Friday!!!! :D

Not much that's new except that I have a multi-paragraphed essay due on Tuesday... I have a rough draft of it, but I can tell that I really need to revise it otherwise, I'm probably going to get like a C or D on it lol. I'm sorry that I didn't post again for a while, I just am still not really finding time to do this stuff. I am on the internet almost everyday, but now I don't have as much time as I used to for being online... So when I do get the chance to get on, I don't really want to spend most of my time working on this, cause then it feels like a job to me, so yeah lol. Hope you guys understand... Anyways, I know I have been forgetting to mention the movie quote winners in my other posts, so here they were. S AND C! Congrats guys, you guys are goooooood! Hahaha xD

Quote of the Day:
Sometimes I yell "STAY!" at non-living objects that keep falling over.

Guess the Movie Quote!

"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But, you can run from it or, learn from it."

Sooo, that's about it. Oh, and the two movie quotes from last time were from the movies "Shrek" and "What a Girl Wants". Comment & Vote on the poll please! Post y'all later! 



DorkyIsMyMiddleName19 said...

luv the quote of the day! it sounds like me! and i once gain have no idea for the movie quote, it sounds familiar but... ya my brain's fried O.O

Anonymous said...

The quote of the day totally defines me. I do that a lot. Plus, I also tend to pat the object twice to make sure it stays.

Anonymous said...

"Using the word "thingy" when you can't remember what something is called."
"Sometimes I yell "STAY!" at non-living objects that keep falling over."

Have you been spying on me?

Hannah said...

@DorkyIsMyMiddleName19:Haha I was pretty sure both you and C would like the quote of the day xD Neither you or C have guessed the movie quote, so I'll just reveal it in my next post lol.

Spellbound Ch@meleon:Lol I sometimes pat the object too to make sure that it doesn't move xD Oh, us humans can be so weird at times... hahaha & you'll just have to find out on your own whether I've been spying on you (; ahahaha!!!