
Season's Greetings!

Before I start off, let me just say this... I know that it has been a very long time since I've posted, and I'm sorry for that. But the thing is, I don't even think anyone really cares about my blog except for maybe like 2 or 3 people that I actually personally know lol. So this is probably gonna be a crappy post because I only have 1 idea of what I'm going to put in it, but don't ask because you'll find out soon enough! I don't really feel like explaining why I've been absent for so long, so if you all could just kindly forgive me for being gone, then that'd be greatly appreciated!

So what I had in mind for this post today was that I'd make it Christmas themed. Sorry for those people out there that don't celebrate it, it's just that I only celebrate that holiday at this time of the year. This is for people who don't celebrate Christmas:

Happy Hanukkah!
Happy Kwanzaa!

So for the rest of this post, I'm just going to post a few pictures that are Christmas/Holiday themed. Enjoy!

Okay, so I think that's enough pictures for one post, don't you agree? LOL! Anyway, I have to post one more picture, it's the one that should mean the most for everyone who believes in Jesus Christ & God. It's the real meaning behind Christmas. Christmas is not celebrated just to get gifts, or to even give gifts. Yes, that makes Christmas so much more fun, but that is definitely not the point. It's also fun to hang out with your friends and family during the holiday, but the whole reason we celebrate Christmas is because that is when Jesus Christ was born. May he always be remembered for the true hero he is. R.I.P.

Jesus Being Born

I hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating with your friends or family! Don't be greedy with the gifts, be appreciative, and just remember, there's some kids out there that are homeless and too poor to even receive one gift for Christmas. Be thankful for everything that you have guys, because you never know what could happen to it. 


Sincerely yours,

P.S. If you are bored or have the free time, please vote on my new poll!

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