
I Apologize...

So as you guys most likely know from the title, I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a LONG amount of time. I have the same reasons as I did in my last post, busy with school & not as motivated to do this anymore... I guess it's more fun in the summer. At least for me it is... Anyway, yesterday I had 3 tests & today I had 2. Yesterdays was Spanish, Algebra, and one of my other subjects lol I just forgot which one it was xD and today I had to do a re-take for my Geography test because I got a D+ the first time I took it lol. But thankfully, I wasn't the only one who re-took it... About maybe like 10-15 other people had to re-take it too. For those of you who don't really know me that well, I'll let you know right now that I absolutely SUCK at Science & History/Geography. Like really I don't even get the point of history and science, well I just don't get it & it's boring to me lol. Most of my friends love science but me, I'm just not that type of person lol. English and sometimes math are my best subjects :P

Kay, well I guess I've rambled on enough for one post... BUT WAIT, there's one more thing! I've just decided that in every post I will probably post a music/lyric video to either a song that's recently come out or just one of my favorite songs at the time. If you don't like that idea, let me know in the comments because I really like to get your guys' feed back so I know what & what not to put in my posts... And for the movie quote, from now on if you know what movie it's from, you ALSO have to say which character said it too, just to make it a little more challenging. So on to the main topics!

Quote of the Day:
I would rather look back at my life and say "I can't believe I did that!" than "I wish I would have."

Guess the Movie Quote!

"You can't live your life for other people. You've got to do what's right for you, even if it hurts some people you love."

Music Video:



It's... Friday, Friday, Gotta get down on Friday!!!! :D

Not much that's new except that I have a multi-paragraphed essay due on Tuesday... I have a rough draft of it, but I can tell that I really need to revise it otherwise, I'm probably going to get like a C or D on it lol. I'm sorry that I didn't post again for a while, I just am still not really finding time to do this stuff. I am on the internet almost everyday, but now I don't have as much time as I used to for being online... So when I do get the chance to get on, I don't really want to spend most of my time working on this, cause then it feels like a job to me, so yeah lol. Hope you guys understand... Anyways, I know I have been forgetting to mention the movie quote winners in my other posts, so here they were. S AND C! Congrats guys, you guys are goooooood! Hahaha xD

Quote of the Day:
Sometimes I yell "STAY!" at non-living objects that keep falling over.

Guess the Movie Quote!

"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But, you can run from it or, learn from it."

Sooo, that's about it. Oh, and the two movie quotes from last time were from the movies "Shrek" and "What a Girl Wants". Comment & Vote on the poll please! Post y'all later! 



Quick Post

Hey guys, I'm sooooooo sorry that I wasn't able to post for a while... It's just that I've been VERY busy between homework, after school activities, internet problems, and headaches. So I'm going to make this fast because I still have a slight headache, and I don't want it to get worse. Okay, now here's the quotes...

Quote of the Day:
I'll start letting my guard down when people stop giving me reasons to keep it up.

Guess the Quotes!
"And then one time I ate some rotten berries. Man! There were some gases leaking outta my butt that day!"


"Why are you trying so hard to fit in if you were born to stand out?"

Sooo, I really like that 2nd movie quote because I feel as if a lot of people, including me, could probably relate to it somehow. Anyways, the reason why I did two movie quotes was because, well, I just felt like it lol. This is probably one of my most crappiest posts I've done yet, which is because I'm feeling really lazy and I don't really feel like putting much effort into this one post... But don't worry, I'll try and make the next post a lot better than this one! Hope you guys enjoyed this somewhat... Please leave a comment(s) below guessing the quotes & telling me what you think about the quote of the day! Also, I updated the poll too, so go check that out also! 



SS, C, and RP, Oh my!

Hiiiiiiiii guysss!!! So yes I know you guys probably don't know what my title means, but I'll explain it to you. SS stands for my friend and C stands for my other friend. And then RP stands for roleplay. So basically those two little goobers are playing roleplay for Invader Zim, I think. I'd join them if I knew anything about roleplaying and Invader Zim, but I don't xD. Okay now that I've run out of things to say, I'll just go on with the quotes & stuff. Enjoy!

Quote of the Day:

A boy makes his girl jealous of other women. A gentleman 
makes other women jealous of his girl.

Guess the Movie Quote!

"So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, everyday."

Um... so I really don't know what to put after the quotes so from now on I'll just say two things. Please comment/guess vote on the poll! =]


P.S. I totally forgot to mention the people who guessed the movie in my last post, so I'll mention them here. They both guessed it was from Harry Potter & that Dumbledore said it, which is correct. So please go follow and check out their blogs!

Sorry guys, the first time I posted this I guess that thought just did not cross my mind. Hope you can forgive me! 


TGIF (WARNING: Another Cuss Word In Quote of the Day)

Hey guys! It was such a short week for me, I only had 3 days of school because I was off Monday & Tuesday. Don't ask me why, because quite frankly, I have no idea! So sorry I couldn't make this post until now, I was feeling sick when I got home from school so I took about a 2 hour nap to see if it helped. It helped I think and I tried getting on the computer once I woke up, but it made me feel sick again so I got off and just watched TV with my mom. I'm pretty sure that everything's fine now though. Although I had made plans to go to my high school's football game today with a friend but I had to cancel it because of me feeling ill. But there's always next time, right? So I guess there's nothing else for me to say here... and by the way, I just felt like kind of updating my life with you guys, I know I usually don't do that but I think I will from now on, at least whenever I have some big news or just something I want to share. Okay, now here's what you've all been waiting for, I think, the quotes!!!

Quote of the Day:

"Stand still and the bee won't sting you!" "Fuck that, I'm 

Guess The Movie Quote!

"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends."

Sooo I hope you guys enjoyed reading this! Please comment below guessing what movie that quote is from up above! And I updated the poll, so make sure to check that out and vote also! Thanks everyone!

P.S. One of my friends is going out with this guy that basically made my friend his LIFE and it seems like he's kinda obsessed with her now. She told me that she wants to break up with him but she says that if she does, he'll just start crying and she won't wanna get on Facebook anymore because he'll be able to chat her on there. So she hasn't broken up with him YET even though she wants to. Anybody good with those type of situations? If so, leave any advice you have for her in the comments below also! It'd be much appreciated!



Insert Title Here

Hey guys, so first off I just wanna say that my title was suggested by Ch@meleon.net andddd, she gave me an idea to do, which is to put a movie quote in my posts too, but I'm not going to tell you what movie it's from & then you have to comment guessing what movie it's from. Even if you have no idea, it's fun anyways, there's no winners or losers really. It's all just for fun! I decided I'm going to put the "quote of the day" and the "movie quote" in the same post each day because 1, I'm too lazy to make two posts per day lol, and 2, I don't really think it will make any difference anyways if I made a different post for each of them... So if you get any free time, it'd be nice if any of you that are new to my blog could check her blog out too and maybe follow her too if you like her posts too! On with the quotes...

Quote of the Day:

I wish falling in love had traffic lights, so that I would know if I should: Go for it, slow down or just stop!

Okay so now that I've got that down... I want to say that yes I know C, you don't like lovey/romantic quotes but I just really like that one so I really wanted to put it lol. Sorry. And here's the MOVIE quotes! :D (I'm doing 2 for now because I feel like it xD)

"You're gonna need a bigger boat."
"I'm king of the world!"

So that's it. Here's a hint... they're both from REALLY old movies, but I'm guessing at least one of you guys can guess them... I hope lol. So leave a comment below guessing & telling me what you think of the quote of the day, and vote on the new poll please!

Have a great day & thanks for visiting!



I'm Running Out of Title Names! Any Ideas?

Quote of the Day:

Instead of thinking about what you're missing, try thinking about what you have that everyone else is missing.

Don't forget to comment & vote on the new poll please! 

Quick Thanks: Hey guys, I think I know who's reading this, so I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for commenting, voting, and reading my posts everyday. I really appreciate it. I honestly don't think I could thank you enough. And to SS & C, I know I nag you guys whenever you're on to come on my blog, so that must get annoying. And I'm sorry, like I've said before, I just really like getting your guys' feedback on what you think and all. So again, thanks everyone! 



This Is a Random Title

Quote of the Day: 

The awkward moment when you're eating dinner at someone else's house and you don't like the food, but you have to pretend to like it.

Sorry if you don't like it, I just wanted to post a sort of funny one, since Ch@meleon.Net wanted more of these kind. Remember to comment & vote on the new poll please! 



New: Quote of The Day!

Okay, so this new quote of the day thing was suggested by DorkyIsMyMiddleName19 and I really like the idea, so... I'm gonna use it! To check her blogs out, click here AND here :D So basically what she said was that I could just post ONE quote each day & then put a poll with a few quotes that I want you guys to vote on which one(s) are/is your favorite! So, without further ado, here's the quote of the day!!! 

Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be 
happy with what you have.

Hope you guys like it! Comment below on what you think of it! And don't forget to VOTE on my new poll! :3



Quotes Know How We Feel

  1. The two best days of school: the first and the last.
  2. Beginning of summer: "Oh my god, we need to hang out a lot this summer." End of the summer: "Wow, we didn't even hang out once."
  3. When two people are meant for each other, nothing can keep them apart, no distance is too far & no one can stop them.
  4. I wish I had a DELETE button in my life. To delete some people, some memories, and some feelings.
  5. The awkward moment when you can't understand someone even though they've repeated themselves 5 times.
  6. That scary moment when you are about to sleep & horror scenes flash in your mind.
  7. The worst thing about being lied to? Knowing you weren't good enough for the truth.
  8. Sometimes, you just need to distance yourself from people. If they care, they'll notice. If they don't, you know where you stand.
  9. People change & often they become the person they said they'd never be.
  10. Saying "oh!" like you get it. But you still have no idea.
  11. Never take someone's feelings for granted because you never know how much courage that they took to show it to you.
  12. "Username already taken" B!tch who stole my idea!?
  13. That awkward moment when it's your birthday and people are singing Happy Birthday to you, and you just sit/stand there, clueless of what to do.
Okay, so that's it for today!!! PLEASE leave a comment below saying how many quotes you think I should do each day. Because I still don't know. I only added 3 today because I saw a few more that I'd like to share lol. So I hope you enjoyed reading!

Until tomorrow,
