
Quick Introduction

Okay, so before I start posting quotes on here & stuff, I wanted to introduce myself and talk to you all about what my blog's gonna be like. And by all of you, I mean my friends who are reading this which is probably SS, Ch@meleon, and maybe CW lol. Maybe more, I really don't know who I'm gonna tell about this. Seeing as though I have no friends... haha, joke... not really... but on to other stuff!!!

So I guess this would be the paragraph where I introduce myself? Well here it goes... My name's Hannah and I'm the type of person that's stubborn, VERY picky, nice, jealous, hardworking, sometimes bossy, and just likes to have fun!!! But most of all, I absolutely LOVE quotes! They inspire me so much & I love to read them whenever I get the chance. So that's why this blog is called "QuoteMonsters".  By monsters, no I do not mean the kind that are hidden under your bed at night waiting for you to fall asleep so they can plan an attack on you... lol joking again! But those aren't the monsters that I'm referring to. I'm kinda referring to people who love quotes lol. SO I really have no idea what else to put in this paragraph so I guess I'll move onto the next one.

This blog is going to mainly have quotes that I either agree with, like them, or just think they're very cute. Or funny. And maybe once in a while I might have posts about my personal life. Who knows? Only time will tell... So that's it for this paragraph I guess xD

...Actually I think that's it for this whole thing for now... OH WAIT!!! I'm forgetting something lol. I would like to thank my 2 Blogger friends SS & Ch@meleon for introducing me to this site!!! Anddd,  that's it for now folkssss!!! Lol just kidding, I'm not a talk show person xD

Hope everyone who checks out my blog likes it & enjoy the music!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do one with quotes from Pysch!
Or Invader Zim!