
10 Quotes of the Day!

  1. Girls don't get mad for no reason. It might be over something small or stupid, but there's always a reason.
  2. Getting back with your ex is pretty much the same as taking a shower, getting out, and putting back on the same underwear.
  3. The 3 C's of life... Choice, Chance, Change.. You must make the Choice to take the Chance if you want anything to Change. 
  4. Worst feelings: crying yourself to sleep, being ignored, discover the person you love loves someone else, someone falls out of love for you.
  5. Haters are like crickets. Crickets make a lot of noise, you hear it but you can't see them. Then right when you walk by them, they're quiet.
  6. Hearing something that kills you inside but having to act like you don't care.
  7. I believe in second chances. I just don't believe everyone deserves them.
  8. Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting them back together.
  9. When you're single, all you see is happy couples. But when you're in a relationship, all you see is happy single people.
  10. If a guy tells you he is different, he is just like all the others. If he really is different, he'll show you, not tell you.
Okay, so that's it for today. I hope you all like at least one of them!!! 



Hannah said...

Testing... testing

DorkyIsMyMiddleName19 said...

okay im guessing this might work....
anyway i like the quotes!

Hannah said...

Thanks!! And finally!!! Lol

Anonymous said...

<3 the music!
My fave quotes are...
1)Girls don't get mad for no reason. It might be over something small or stupid, but there's always a reason.

2)Getting back with your ex is pretty much the same as taking a shower, getting out, and putting back on the same underwear.

The underwear part made me laugh!

Hannah said...

Haha glad you liked them!! Lol and yeah the underwear part is funny :P

Hannah said...

But I don't know any quotes from Pysch or Invader Zim! Sorry!!! Maybe you could put some quotes of their's on your blog??